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Real Estate & Construction

Solutions for real estate and construction companies

In the competitive world of real estate and construction, Firmseek understands that it's essential to market your real estate holdings to your client base in real time. That's why we developed a set of technology tools specifically targeted to the needs of real estate and construction companies.

A focus on up-to-the-minute information

Firmseek provides free web site consulting services with each web site we build, and we'll help your company highlight its competitive strengths while creating a user-friendly site for your target audience. At Firmseek, we understand that in the real estate and construction business, property status is constantly changing which makes it critical to keep your target audience up-to-date at all times. The Site Pilot allows non-technical members of your staff to keep your custom web site updated in real time -- all the time. You can keep your customers satisfied while making your job a little easier.

A focus on maximizing occupancy rates

Firmseeks helps ensure that your potential renters and customers can find your properties on-line. We've provided our real estate clients valuable advice and services regarding free and paid search engine registration protocols and ways to maximize hits and search engine result placement.

A focus on message distribution

Keep your target audience informed about your company or organization. Firmseek can design a custom newsletter template for you and automate the layout, content production, and distribution process. Your newsletter can be created and distributed within a matter of minutes!

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